Just Incredible
Do you know why it’s such an unbelievable thing that Abacus Residential Appraisals was awarded the first ever Halifax area Consumer Choice Award for Business Excellence in Home Appraisals? Because it proves that our clients put honesty and fairness above all else. It’s placed them in the spotlight as good, honest people and here’s why.
Not Going Along to Get Along
Abacus has made its name as the firm that provides truly unbiased market value appraisals for divorces, estates, insurance and mortgages. We have never been in the business of rubber-stamping transactions to get along. In fact, some mortgage brokers, upon learning that we have been assigned the appraisal, will request a cancellation. We tell the truth. We make sure our clients fully understand the appraisal process from beginning to end. We complete thorough viewings of all properties and deep analyses of the market, ultimately providing comprehensive, unbiased appraisal reports. Our clients can testify that we do not shy away from tough conversations, and this award shows they believe this to have been to their benefit.
Unbiased Truth Above All Else
Thomas Sowell said it best: "When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear." Since 2013, we have wholeheartedly subscribed to the idea that helping people means telling them the truth. It’s especially important in the appraisal industry because homeowners going through divorces or dealing with estates can lose years and thousands of dollars in fees and/or equity if the appraiser decides to "just do them a favour”.
Thank You
We are so humbled that our clients have chosen us as the best appraisal firm and hope to have the honour of serving them again soon.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
Congratulations David and team, hard work pays off!
So proud of this company! Congratulations to the whole team!
Kim 😁